The 15th June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  The abuse of older people is an increasing and serious problem, so it is vital to raise awareness of this to enable us all to take responsibility for preventing elder abuse in our communities.

Elder abuse is a global issue and comes in many forms including physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse and also neglect. Older people are especially vulnerable to abuse as they may be unable to defend themselves or seek help as fear and or infirmity may be a barrier to getting help.  Recognising and challenging the abuse of older people can also be difficult when they are isolated, and some older people are abused in institutions where their abuse may go undetected or be covered up.

A survey commissioned by the charity Hourglass in 2020 revealed 1 in 5 UK residents have personal experience of abuse as an older person or know someone who has been abused.  To find out more about elder abuse please click HERE

If you are an older person and you have experienced abuse, or you are concerned that someone you know may be a victim of abuse, you can contact:

The Safeguarding Office – Telephone 01364 645430 between Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4:30pm.

Hourglass – A UK charity working to challenge and prevent the abuse and neglect of older people.
24/7 Telephone Helpline – 0808 808 8141
Text Helpline – 07860 052906
Website including live chat service: