– “Together we are Mission”

World Mission Sunday is one of three events world-wide that will mark our celebration of the Extraordinary Month of Mission 2019. Today our global Church comes together on this special day as Missio asks the faithful of England and Wales to support the missionary work of the Church throughout the world, through our prayers and financial support. Missio is proud to be the Pope’s charity for world mission. Missio ignites God’s love by helping local missionaries to work alongside global communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.

Today Missio makes an impact in 1,070 mission dioceses in 157 countries. It supports the training of 30,000 future priests and 11,000 religious sisters, funded by the generosity of its loyal supporters. Pope Francis has declared October 2019 to be an Extraordinary Month of Mission, being 100 years since Pope Benedict XV’s teaching on mission. Over the past three weeks schools, Parishes and individuals have been following the themes approved by the Holy Father: having a personal encounter with Jesus Christ living in his Church; witness of missionary saints and martyrs; supporting mission charity; biblical, catechetical, spiritual and theological formation for mission.

Here in our Diocese, Missio’s activities are managed and organised by our Missio Diocesan Directors, Christopher Bleasdale and Tony Armstrong. Christopher is responsible for co-ordinating and distributing the Red Boxes. Millions of pounds have been collected thanks to the Red Boxes which enable Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries to empower the Catholic Church globally. Tony is responsible for Missio’s Mission Together, the Pope’s official children’s charity supporting both the spiritual and physical wellbeing of children throughout the world. Its unique motto ‘children helping children’ is at the heart of the belief that children are called to mission and have a key part to play in bringing hope to others. Tony works closely with our Diocesan Schools Commissioner, Sarah Barreto and our partners at Plymouth CAST to provide spiritual and educational resources to our Primary and Secondary Schools and help our children recognise that they belong to a Universal Church Family.

As we continue our October journey, please say the Pope’s prayer for this month of mission and as we mark World Mission Sunday, please give generously to support those missionaries who work so hard to make sure that as many people get to hear the Good News that God loves them.

World Mission Mass this Sunday at Plymouth Cathedral. All Welcome!

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