
Administering the churches, houses and property of the diocese


There are over 200 diocesan property assets mainly: churches, presbyteries and parish halls. We also own 37 schools and maintain a diocesan oversight over the the School Buildings Capital Programme of repairs and improvements to keep our educational assets in good order.

The Property Department provides property related professional advice and assistance, including:

  • Ensuring that Parishes undertake their building condition survey and carry out the repairs and maintenance activity identified.
  • Provide pre-contract procurement “client representative” advice to support the re-ordering of our churches and other new build construction related projects.
  • Facilitate and provide good practice advice on Health & Safety matters for our personnel and volunteers.
  • Provide pre-contract procurement “client representative” advice to support the construction of new schools and major re-modelling schemes.
  • Deal with insurance matters relating to diocesan property and other activities.

For more information or help please contact:

Property Department Desk – 01364 645380

Head of Property
Kirsty Wright
01364 645392

Property Administrator
Gemma Miller
01364 645391

Health and Safety Co-ordinator
Trevor Sillifant
01364 645393

Clerk of Works / Heath & Safety Co-ordinator
Keith Henson