Laudato Si’ week runs from 19-24 May 2024. It is an opportunity to reflect on Catholic Social Teaching on Care for Creation. The following is an extract from an article written by David Nash following an event on 20th March, organised by the Diocesan Caritas...
At a ceremony in St Peter’s Basilica on Ascension Thursday, Pope Francis solemnly proclaimed the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025, As Vatican News reports ‘“Hope” is the overarching theme of the upcoming Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, a theme reflected in the opening words...
On Tuesday 30th April, Caritas Plymouth organised an event at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Poole to hear about how we can spot the signs of modern slavery. There was a line up of expert speakers, including Stevie Waight, from The Medaille Trust. Alexandra Miranda, the...
Why Mary Matters! From the earliest days of our childhood, the image and the prayer surrounding the Blessed Virgin Mary, has in many ways been the backdrop of our lives. Catholic homes made a special place for her and honoured her through the recitation of the...
“There are no lasting changes without cultural changes … and there are no cultural changes without personal changes” (Laudate Deum, 70) Caritas Diocese of Plymouth are hosting three free events at Plymouth Cathedral for Laudato Si’ Week to focus on how we can look...