Sharing the faith

The harvest is rich but the workers are few.

Mt 9:37

Jesus called his disciples to “Go out and proclaim the Good News to all nations.” (Mk 16:15) and the Church – which is the community of disciples – continues to do that.


It is The Lord (link) Go Make Disciples (link) Diocesan Evangelisation Team

Evangelisation within the diocese

It is a normal human thing to want to share things that are important to you – all of us talk about the things that concern us, that help us and that we take seriously. Being a Catholic is not just like being a member of some local club; sometimes it can seem that church members simply get together to worship and pray, but an essential part of the Christian calling is to go out and share the Christian message with others, by word and by living it.

Diocesan Education Service

Recommended Resources For Children and Young Adults

‘There is no separation between time for learning and time for formation, between acquiring notions and growing in wisdom’ (The Catholic Schools on the Threshold of the Third Millennium)
Get Involved
Christians always are encouraged to live their Christian lives in community – so people are invited to share together their experiences and support one another. That is why the emphasis is always on people working with others: Jesus sent out his disciples “in pairs”. Being part of an Evangelisation Team can be a great source of encouragement and help in sharing faith. The Diocese has set us a structure for supporting parish teams and individuals – you can find out more by clicking here or through your local parish page