For your sakes Christ became poor (cf. 2 Cor 8:9)

In  his message for World Day of the Poor 2022, Pope Francis reminds us of the meaning of solidarity:  ‘sharing the little we have with those who have nothing, so that no one will go without’. As so many struggle with the cost-of-living increases, foodbanks are under increasing pressure to help those in need.  Caritas Plymouth would like to suggest a Reverse Advent Calendar as a way to use the time of Advent to reach out to those in need, by donating food and special items for families living in poverty around the Diocese.

Not everyone can contribute to a food bank. but all are welcome to join us in praying for those in need throughout Advent. CAFOD have developed some Advent resources to share our hope for a world transformed.

If you would like a copy of the calendar please email