In 2024, we celebrate the 30th Anniveray of Fairtrade – an important landmark. Mary Bradley, a parishioner in Falmouth, has kindly contributed a reflection on Fairtrade.

Pope Francis has on many occasions spoken of the need for economic justice and fair trading rights and by picking up Fairtrade products and speaking up for fairer trade, we have an opportunity to make a real difference. Fair trade strengthens smallholder farmers’ capacity; improves their wellbeing and resilience; improves workers’ health and safety and provides incentives to farmers to adapt to climate change. Internationally, 25% of workers supported through fair trade projects are women and gender equality is an important element of this movement. Fair trade farmers have a guaranteed minimum price for their produce and an extra premium which can be used for community development projects.

St Mary Immaculate Falmouth is a  Fairtrade Parish and puts faith into action by using and promoting fair trade products, leading converations about justice for poor farmers and workers and holding a monthly Fairtrade stall. St Mary’s Catholic Primary school in Falmouth also actively supports fair trade initiatives.  Falmouth is a Fairtrade town and parishioners play an important role on the steering group for this initiative. If you are interested in becoming a Fairtrade place of worship, you can find more information here.

In the UK 6000 fair trade products are available. 2 million farmers and workers benefit from being in Fairtrade certified producers. FLOCERT, an independent organisation, checks that the Fairtrade Standards have been met by the farmers, workers and companies that are part of the product supply chains. In order to reassure consumers that this has happened, they license the use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products and packaging to signal the standards have been met. CAFOD founded the Fairtrade Foundation in 1992 along with Christian Aid, Oxfam, Traidcraft, the World Development Movement and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes and provide resources for schools and parishes.

We can all take simple steps to promote fair trade and be part of the change to make trade fair. At the Curia Office at St Boniface House we order fair trade products (like the coffee in the picture above). You could also write to your MP about Fair trade or join a local event. We can all make a difference through small actions.