“We need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished and protected.”
Pope Francis
Child poverty levels have remained alarmingly high over the last decade. Caritas Plymouth supports the call from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CBCEW) to lift the two-child benefit cap as one of the ways in which we can help thousands of children out of poverty. We invite people to join the CBCEW campaign by writing to your local MP. It will take just two minutes to follow the link below and make your voice heard to end the two-child benefit cap Take action.
The benefit cap was introduced in 2017. The bishops have consistently argued that the policy has been “undermining the financial security of families with three or more children. Such families often have no choice but to make claims for Universal Credit as a result of common, but unpredictable, life events, such as job loss or the onset of disability. The majority of families affected by the two-child policy are working families”.
We as a Church have a duty to our extended family. Catholic Social Teaching is clear that we have a responsibility to protect the rights of others, to love one another as Jesus loved us. The cap implies that larger families are a burden on society whereas the Church recognises them as a blessing. We can all take action to support families and end child poverty.
If you would like more information about child poverty in your local area or find out other ways to take action, the charity No Child Left Behind has useful information or you can contact caritas@prcdtr.org.uk for more information.